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Printing options

Canvas: 100% cotton canvas with a UV protective coating for protection and ease of cleaning. Comes ready to hang.

Fine Art: Fine art paper of 310GSM offering a wide color gamut for seamless tones and colors. The paper's are acid free to ensure the print retains its high quality over its lifetime.

Click to enlarge panorama

A2 - 420cm x 594cm
A1 - 594cm x 841cm
A0 - 841cm X 1189cm

30cm x 61cm - 12" x 24”
45cm x 91cm - 18" x 36”
33cm x 101cm - 13" x 40”


Timber, black or white.
All framed products come fitted with hanging hardware complete.

If you have any questions regarding your order or you are after a specific size please feel free to contact me

Returns: All items are shipped with heavy duty protection. If a product does arrive damaged please contact me.
Note: Returns are not offered for change of mind.


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